2008 - Anthony Loiacano

Tony Loiacano of Warren has won a number of bowling titles, of which are, the ABC National Championship Tournament doubles in 1966 with Bob Kwiecien, rolling a fine 1351 and the doubles again with Rick McCardy with another great score of 1382. Tony has participated in over 40 ABC National Championship Tournaments, averaging an amazing 190 plus.

Perfect games have not escaped this wonderful gentleman. To date he has over twelve 300 games to his credit as well as four 800 series. Tony has averaged in the 200 range for over 30 years, with his highest being 222 during the 1990-91 season.

Tony was a member of the Detroit All Star Classic League for 20 plus years, when he was good enough to bowl with the Coca-Cola, Goebel Beer and Stroh’s Beer teams. During that time, he was on four championship teams, the 1971 winter season with Coca-Cola, the 1973 spring season with Goebel, the 1976 winter season with Goebel, when they tied with Stroh’s and the 1977 spring season with Goebel.

Along with those titles, Tony was a member of the Coca-Cola team that won the Detroit Class A city title in 1966 and the Detroit city doubles title when he teamed with Fred Vitale in 1977 with a score of 1273. Tony also won the Michigan State Bowling association Tournament actual doubles title when he teamed with Thomas McKay in 1974 with a score of 1307. In 1981 Tony won the Michigan State Bowling Association Tournament actual all-events title with a score of 1945. Tony has bowled in over 30 GDBA Masters tournaments and has made the Detroit all-city team seven times. Tony has one Michigan Majors title along with a number of top five finishes in that tournament.

His bowling achievements have earned him the honor of being named to the Michigan Majors Hall of Fame in 1992 and the Greater Detroit Hall of Fame in 1994.

It is with great pride that we induct Tony Loiacano into the Michigan State Bowling Hall of Fame