1992 - Audrey Dalenberg

Audrey is well deserving of the Meritorious Award for her many years of service to the Michigan Women’s Bowling Association, as well as her local association, Kalamazoo WBA.
She has been a member of the Kalamazoo WBA and the Michigan WBA for more than 45 years. Being interested and serving as a delegate to the State Convention for many years, she was appointed a Director in 1977. It was an appointment well made. When assigned to a committee, as Chairman or member, she did an excellent job of working out every detail. And she has served on many committees: Finance & Budget, Champion Awards Banquet, Hall of Fame, Honorarium, Tournament Housing, Tournament Rules and Delegates Reception and Luncheon.
With her methods of efficiency, helped in the State Tournament when it was in Kalamazoo in 1948. She became interested in every aspect of the tournament, and because she was so helpful, she became very much involved in its operation.
She has also served her local association well, as Secretary for ten years, a Director eleven years and, currently, as treasurer, which position she has held for sixteen years. For giving unselfishly of her time and talent, she was inducted into the Kalamazoo Hall of Fame in 1981.
Now, we are pleased to have her inducted for Meritorious Service into the Michigan Women’s Bowling Association Hall of Fame.