1992 - Aleta Sill

Aleta had an early start in bowling, going through the Junior ranks, averaging above 160. With practice and a lot of competition, she averages well over 200. Highest average attained was 228. For this current season, bowling in two leagues, she finished with 215 and 209 respectively.
She added another perfect game to the 12 rolled prior to this season. Aleta has a 299 and three 298 games to her credit. Along with the high single game scores, she has bowled at least five 800 series and numerous 700 series.
In the State Tournament, she and her Goebel Beer Teammates won the Championship in 1990 and 1991. On the Bob Chamberlain Team, they won in 1987. Her score of 1903 earned her the title of All Events Champion in 1986.
Because of her LPBT participation, she was able to compete in only one Michigan Queens Tournament. That was in 1991 and she finished second.
Locally, she won Singles and Doubles Titles in 1988, 1990 and 1991. Her score in the Singles in 1991 was 806, followed by an even “800” in league play the following week. She’s been named to the Detroit All City Teams, No. 1 and No. 2, several times.
She has earned Singles and All Events Titles in the WIBC Tournaments in 1982, 1983 and 1985. Those years were good to her as she also won the WIBC Queens Tournament in 1983 and 1985. The title was elusive to her in 1984, she came in second.
Aleta was named Bowler of the Year by the Bowling Writers of America in 1984-85 and she was a two time Bowlers Journal All American in 1983 and 1985. She was named to the All American Team four times and was recognized as the United Foundation Sportswoman of the Year in 1983.
With all her titles, Aleta has a great personality and is helpful to bowlers trying to get better scores, giving them tips to improve their game.
Aleta is truly a Superior Performer and a great addition to the Michigan Women’s Bowling Association Hall of Fame.