1986 - Bernadette Trainor

We welcome Bernadette Trainor into the Michigan Women’s Bowling Association Hall of Fame for Meritorious Service. After twelve active years as a director, she is retiring for physical reasons.
Serving as Chairman of the Awards and Services Committee for ten years, many new programs were adopted. Under her direction, this committee has been responsible for starting and maintaining the 25 Year Club and Dinner. It is the spring-board for new awards and programs, including the high game and high series pins for each local, the 600-700 Club sponsorship by MWBA, the 800 Award, The Queens Tournament and their new up-coming Secretary’s Award.
Bernadette served on other committees as well – Delegates’ Reception for nine years, Tournament rules for three years and the Legislative Committee four years.
Very active in the St. Ignace Women’s Bowling Association, Bernadette served as Secretary for nineteen years and is presently holding the office of President. In 1965, when the first bowling establishment came into existence in St. Ignace, she helped organize the leagues. She also promotes and supports youth bowling.
With this kind of background, we know Bernadette will always be active in some way and will continue to spread good fellowship in the sport of bowling.