1988 - Phyllis Smith

A most deserving Meritorious Service Award goes to Phyllis Smith. She has diligently served on the State Board since being appointed in 1973, and she has let no grass grow under her feet. After seven years as a director, she moved up to 5th Vice-President for one year, then on to 4th Vice-President for four years and 3rd Vice-President for three years, where she is today.
Everyone knows Phyllis for the excellent job she does at the Officers Annual Workshop, making it a fun, as well as learning experience. We all look forward to these sessions and wonder what she has up her sleeve to make each one better than the last. She also conducts Workshops for Local Associations when requested, as well as the workshop at the Annual Meeting.
As Administrative Manual Chairman, Phyllis makes sure it is up to date and that all board members have copies of any changes, which is no easy task.
She has served on about all the Committees there are – Legislative, Tournament Rules, MWBA Hall of Fame, Membership Promotion, MWBA Annual Meeting Delegates Reception and Luncheon, 50th tournament Anniversary Celebration, Star of Tomorrow Scholarship and 25 Year Club Dinner. Phyllis is so talented, she also serves as recording Secretary at all State Board Meetings and took on the job for the 1987 Annual Meeting.
Phyllis comes highly recommended by members of her Traverse City Women’s Assn. They say she keeps everything moving in the right direction to help promote good sportsmanship in the game of bowling. She is currently their Secretary and has been for 16 years. Has also been a Director, Vice-President and Treasurer of that Association.
Phyllis has been a valuable asset to the Michigan Women’s bowling Association and we are proud to have her join the ranks with all the other deserving ladies in the Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame.