2000 - Cheryl Stipcak

Cheryl was an active member in the All Star Bowlerettes at Cloverlanes and the Cherry Hill Match Play Invitational.
During her career, she has maintained averages in the 200 range, with 218 her highest during the 1996/97 season. Of the many 700 series she rolled, 769 is her highest and 750 a close second, bowled during the 1998/99 season. In all her attempts for the perfect score, 290 is her highest game, with many games of 275 and up.
She missed out being the Detroit WBA Queen but was in the Queen’s Court three times, 1996, 1988 and 1987. She was on the No.1 All City Team three times and No.2 twice.
In the Detroit WBA City Tournament, she was a Doubles Champion in 1978 and 1979. She was also a Team USA Qualifier.
Cheryl has participated in 16 Michigan Women’s State Association Queens Tournaments and won the crown in 1987.
Cheryl is truly a Champion and joins the other elite members for Superior Performance.