1998 - George Howard

George was an outstanding performer in Kalamazoo and his accomplishments were rewarded by being signed by the Stroh’s Beer Team of Detroit in 1956. Except for one season when he bowled for the Detroit Thunderbirds in the professional leagues, George was one of the top bowlers in the Detroit association for a number of years.
He joined the PBS (Professional Bowling association) in 1958 and has five PBA titles to his credit. He has an amazing ABC record with eight top ten finishes. His 30 years average (as of 1998) for the ABC tournaments is 195.
George was recognized as of the top bowlers in the country and received honorable mention on the All-American Teams on several occasions
In 1961 he finished third at the “World’s Invitational”. As a member of the Stroh’s team he collected a state tournament team title in 1964 and city team titles in 1957, 1958, 1960 and 1962. George also won the state tournament doubles title with Billy Golembiewski in 1958, the state all events title in 1962, the Detroit Doubles tournament with Al Savas in 1959 and the Detroit All Events Crown in 1958.
George has five 300 games and a career high average of 225. He was elected into the Kalamazoo Men’s Bowling association Hall of Fame in 1964, the ABC Hall of Fame in 1986, and the Detroit Hall of Fame in 1992.
George is a welcome addition to the Michigan State BA Hall of Fame.