1994 - Marliss Tapp

An all around athlete, Marliss took to bowling in 1977. As in the other sports, she was determined to do well. She did so well that, in just a few years, she was Captain of the Kalamazoo All Star Team.
During her career, she won many titles. Was City Queen four times, Captain of the All Star Team eleven times and was Champion of the Singles, Doubles and All Events locally numerous times.
Marliss was also a Champion in the Michigan Women’s Bowling Association Tournament winning the doubles title in 1987 with a score of 1371. She has participated in all but two of the Michigan Queens Tournaments and placed third in 1985 and 1991.
She has rolled a perfect game of 300, not only once, but three times, one in 1986, one in 1988 and the last one in 1992. She also has two 299’s and one 298 to her credit, along with forty-six 700 series, highest of which was 785. She has consistently carried an average in the 200’s, with 217 her highest, in 1991.
Marliss had her eye on being a professional bowler but responsibilities of running a home, raising a family and being employed prevented her from reaching this goal. When she was able to participate, she did very well.
Her interest in the sport of bowling led her to coach junior bowlers, conduct lessons for seniors, as well as “Learn to Bowl” Clinics.
Her outstanding activities qualify her for induction into the Michigan Hall of Fame for Superior Performance.