1980 - Wyllis Ryskamp

Wyllis Ryskamp, member of the Greater Grand Rapids WBA, at the age of 28 started up the road of Champions by bowling on the Fan Majors team who won the 1950 WIBC Team Event and in 1955, teamed with Marion Ladewig, won the Doubles Event.
From that time on, winning became a way of life. On the local level there were 9 team titles, 7 doubles titles and in 1951, the All Events Championship. In 1980, proving she is still a champion, Wyllis won the Singles and All Events titles.
Wyllis made herself known on the State level, as well, with three Team titles in 1954, 1965 and most recent in 1979 bowling with the Wyatt Construction team. Teaming with Marion Ladewig in 1951 and with Char Kardas in 1954, she captured the Doubles title and in 1954 the Singles title.
Wyllis has averaged 180 or better for the past 15 years. She became a member of the prestigious 700 Club in 1953 and was a member of twelve Greater Grand Rapids All City teams from 1958 through 1969.