2004 - Robert A. Chamberlain

Bob developed his interest in bowling in the Junior ranks, starting at the age of nine.
He has been a member of the All Star Classic League for many years, bowling as a member of the Goebel Beer team, and averaging more than 220.
Bob has rolled 31 – 300 games and 14 – 800 series , the highest being 828.
He was named King of Bowlers in 1983 by the Greater Detroit Bowling Association. Bowler’s Man of the Year in 1984 by the Bowling Proprietors Association, and inducted into the Michigan Majors Hall of Fame in 1984. He received the Pat Patterson Award in 1984 from the PBA, the Meritorious Service Award from the GDBA in 1985 and Bowler’s Man of the Year again in 1990. He is listed in the 1988 Guiness Book of Records for a twenty-four hour period total of 75,223 pins.
As a member of the Stroh ‘s Beer team, they won first place in the ABC Tournament in 1980 with a score of 3119, and third place in 1981 with a score of 3168. In 1981, he placed 6th in the Singles with 736.
He was a member of the Stroh’s Beer team which won the Michigan State Team Event in 1978 and 1981.
In 1978, he was a member of the K & S Bowling Sales team which won the Greater Detroit Bowling Association City Tournament with a score of 3301. In 1974, he had the GDBA II Time Tournament actual pinfall of 1981. He was the GDBA Masters Champion in 1990 and made the All City Team (1st or 2nd team) 11 times. He also was named to the First Team Senior All City Team in 2000 and 2001 and Second Team Senior All City in 2004.
Bob won the PBA National Championship in 1984, the Hammer Open in 1985 and has ten PBA 300 games to his credit.
For his outstanding achievements Bob was inducted into the Greater Detroit Hall of, Fame in 1991.