1993 - Cheryl Daniels

Cheryl threw her first ball at the age of six and has been hooked ever since. Under the director of her father, who was a coach for the juniors, she soon was on her way to making a career of bowling. As a junior, she was the All-American Youth Bowling National Champion in 1978 and Michigan State University Spartan Masters Champion the following year.
Her first season in an adult league (1979/80) she carried a 193 average. She kept improving averaging from 203 to 223, her highest during the 1989/90 season. Currently she is carrying a 211 average in the All Star Ladies League at Cloverlanes and 214 in the Arena Pro Shop League at Thunderbowl. She has a total of seven 300 games and numerous games of 275 and up. Her highest series is an 825, followed by many 700 series.
In the State Tournament, she was on the winning Goebel Team in 1990 and 1991, the Bob Chamberlain Team in 1987. She was the All Events Champion in 1990 with a score of 2005. In 1989, she was Champion in Doubles, Singles and All Events.
Because of her Professional Tour schedule, she has participated in only two Michigan Queens Tournaments.
Locally, Cheryl was All Events Champion in 1991 with 2185 and in 1989 with 2070. She also won the Doubles with her partner in 1989 and was on a Champion Team in 1989 and 1990.
Cheryl was named Detroit WBA Queen twice – in 1984 and 1981. She has been on the No. 1 All City Team five times and Captain once. She qualified for the No. 2 Team twice.
A recipient of many awards, Cheryl was named Detroit Woman Bowler of the Year, Pastime Oldtimers Woman Bowler of the Year, Sportswoman of the Year. She was named to the Woman Bowler Magazine’s All American Team by the Bowling Writers Assn. of America and has received the Steve Cruchon Memorial Award for Outstanding Performance.
She not only made the cover of the Woman Bowler Magazine, with a four-page article, but was also featured in the Ebony Magazine and made the Ebony/Jet Showcase Television Program and the Bowlers Journal Second All-American Team three times.
We welcome Cheryl into the Michigan WBA Hall of Fame and wish her much success in the future.