1995 - Mary Klein

Mary has been an avid bowler and earned many awards during her career that spanned over 42 years.
In the Michigan WBA State Tournament, Mary was a member of the B & M Shoprite Team when they rolled 2827 for the Actual Championship.
Although she did not have the luck to qualify for the finals, Mary did participate in eight of the Michigan WBA Queens Tournaments.
Locally, she has won every title conceivable. Was on the Champion Team in 1964, 1968 and 1979 and, with her partner, won the Doubles in 1965. Was a member of the El Rancho Team that set a Flint City record for high team series with a score of 2923 to which she contributed a 642 series.
Mary was selected to the first Flint All Star Team in 1966-67 and this team had the honor of bowling against the famous Stroh’s Men’s team in an exhibition match at Town & Country Lanes in Flint. She was a member of the All Star Team almost every year from 1970 through 1985.
While in the Marine Corps, Mary bowled her first 600 series (628) in the Georgia Peach Scratch League in Savannah, Georgia in 1960. Moving along, she won the Actual All Events in the 2nd Annual Beaufort, S.C. Women’s City Tournament in 1964 with a score of 1629. And, in her travels, rolled a high game of 245 in the Peterson Classic Tournament in Chicago which was a great achievement.
Mary is a member of the Flint Women’s Bowling Association Board of Directors, currently serving as 1st Vice-President. She was a Director, then President of the Flint 600 Club.
In the Michigan 600 Club Tournament in Owosso, Mary won the Actual Doubles twice, the Handicap Doubles twice, Actual All Events and the High Game of the Tournament. In 1975, Mary and her partner Betty Nixon, had a 1646 Actual Doubles score, with Mary contributing 887 for four games and her partner 759.
Her lifetime average is 187, high game 296 and high series 701.
Mary is a great addition to the Star of Yesteryear Category.