1989 - Penny Behn

To be selected for Superior Performance, one has to be better than most others, and Penny has achieved this by the many titles she has won.
In the State, she was Captain of the Bonanza Team when it won the State Championship in 1983. In the first Michigan Queens Tournament, Penny climbed the Step-Ladder finals to finish in second place with a spectacular performance all the way.
Locally, Penny rolled a near perfect game – 299 – in the Detroit Women’s Bowling Association Tournament in 1988, and with a series of 734 won the Singles Event. She won the Doubles with Jan Smith in 1976 and with Gerry Ritter in 1983. She was All Events Champion in 1976. She earned the title of “Queen” twice and was a member of the court twice. When not Captain of the No. 1 or No. 2 All City Teams, she was a member.
Her bowling capabilities gave her the opportunity to represent the United States in the 7th FIQ World Bowling Championships in 1971 and she was a member of the first place four and five woman teams. She was also sent to Japan in 1973 on an exhibition tour to help promote team and league bowling.
Penny has many 700 series to her credit, with 787 being her highest. Though she injured her hand a year ago and missed the Michigan Queens Tournament, she has resumed bowling and finished this season with a 191 average.
Penny is a great addition to the Michigan Women’s Bowling Hall of Fame.