1989 - Lucille Blankenship

For her outstanding accomplishments, Lucille is a great addition to the Michigan Women’s Bowling Association Hall of Fame as Star of Yesteryear.
After starting to bowl in 1937, it didn’t take her long to win some titles. In the State, she won the doubles with Eileen Schlegel in 1941 and placed second in the All Events. In 1943, she won the All Events, as well as the doubles, this time with Dorothy Vidal. Her series for that event was 620 and was the highest score in the state tournament up to that time.
In Battle Creek, she was on the Champion team in 1948 and again in 1962. Was also a champion of the 600 Club Tournament in 1953. Lucille was inducted into the Battle Creek WBA Hall of Fame for Superior Performance in 1984.
Lucille has been bowling for more than 46 years, has bowled in the Commercial League since it started, and is still a member of that league.
She also makes lasting friendships, bowling with the same teammates for many years, especially with Eileen Schlegel for 38 years and Agnes Story 30 years.
Lucille joins an exceptional group in the Star of Yesteryear Category and we wish her many more years of good bowling.