2015 - Joyce Allen

The Michigan State Women’s Bowling Association Hall of Fame inductee for Meritorious service for 2015 is Joyce Allen.
Joyce has been a member of the Ogemaw County USBC for 40 years. She also serves as association manager for her local association, a position she has held for over 20 years. Prior to that she was the President for 3 years. She is also Secretary for the Ogemaw Hall of Fame.
Joyce became a director for the Michigan State USBC WBA (Director # 3) 11 years ago and has served on, or is still on these committees:
Awards and Services committee (10 years)
Tournament Opening (11 years, 1 year as chair)
Pioneer Club (9 years)
Legislative (6 years)
Champions Banquet (2 years)
Joyce also is the “caretaker” of our seniors, serving as the Senior Tournament Director. This tournament is celebrating its 50th year Men-Open Division and 40th year for the Women’s Division. Joyce travels all over the state for this tournament, enjoying meeting and greeting the senior bowlers. This year she was in Muskegon for the tournament.
Joyce is a true ambassador for the sport of bowling. If you have ever spent more than 30 seconds with her, you are sure to be smiling. It is hard not to, when you are surrounded by that much exuberance…We feel her nickname “Bubbles” is well deserved…..Makes you want to smile just thinking about it.
Joyce, the Michigan State Women’s Bowling Association is proud to welcome you as the newest member of its Hall of Fame.