2013 - Ted Hansen

Ted Hansen is being inducted into the Michigan State USBC BA Hall of Fame for Meritorious Service
He was elected as Michigan State BA Zone Director in 1984, honored with Michigan State Tournament dedication in 1997, Michigan State Meritorious Service Award in 1998 and Michigan State “Man of the Year” in 2003. He served as President in the 1996-1997 season.
He bowled in Michigan State tournaments for over 50 years and organized 10 teams or more each year from 1962 to 1990. From 1961 until 2010 he only missed four state meetings.
Locally he was Vestaburg- Edmore Association Secretary for 28 years, league secretary for 35 years and was inducted into the Vestaburg-Edmore Hall of Fame in 1986.
He bowled in the ABC National Tournament for 27 years.
He won eight local association tournament titles; seven were in the team event and one in doubles. He also won the 2009 Class AA singles title in the Michigan State Senior tournament, of which he served on that board for eight years.
His high career game is a 297, high series a 694 and high average 181.