2012 - Novella White Daniels

When it comes to looking for candidates for the Hall of Fame for Superior Performance, Michigan has many outstanding bowlers. And this year’s honoree is no exception.
But… Even “superstars” may start out slow. Novella has been bowling since she was 5, but her mother made her quit the first year, because they didn’t have bumpers back then, and she threw too many gutter balls! Fortunately she was persistent and returned the next season… The start of a lifelong love with the sport.
Some of her mentors over the years: In high school it was Dee Hoag and Ed Wright and of course her mother, Nannetta Thomas and her Uncle John White were very influentioal in her bowling. She has also had a few lessons along the way from Aleta Sill.
Novella has many awesome stats already during her bowling career. Top five averages were: 2005-219, 2006-222, 2008-223, 2009-222, 2010-219. She has 15 – 300 games to her credit and two high series of 815, with several other 800 series rolled.
In the Michigan State tournament her teams placed first in the actual division in 2003, 2008, and 2011. In the Michigan State Queens tournament she was “crowned” our Queen in 1999, and has also placed 3rd, 2nd, and 5th over the years. Also, in this tournament she rolled a 300 game and 814 series in 2009.
At the national level, in the 2000 WIBC Queens she rolled the first 300 of the tournament, and also in 2000 her team set a WIBC record for scratch series with a 3557.
Even on a local level the accolades continue: in 2008 and 2011 her team placed first in the city tournament. She has also won the Metro Detroit Bowling Association Queens tournament as well.
She has been a member of the TNBA for over 30 years, and in their tournaments, her team placed first actual in 2009 and again in 2011. There are several other local, state and national titles that have been hers over the years, too numerous to mention them all!
Outside of the lanes, she also assists with two local tournaments: the Thunderbowl Ladies Scratch and the John P Gavie tournament, part of giving back to bowling, a true promoter for the sport. The best part is she continues to excel and we can look forward to more great bowling in the coming years.
Congratulations, Novella for your induction in the Michigan State USBC WBA Hall of Fame, a well deserved honor.