2009 - Dora Nettleman

The year was 1976 and Dora’s son asked if they could go bowling, she knew very little about the sport but since he was interested vowed to learn more. Shortly after that she was coaching the PEE WEES and was hooked on the sport. Here it is 34 years later and Dora is our 34th Hall of Fame inductee for Superior Performance.
She has five 300 & 299 games, numerous 700 series with 782 her highest and maintained averages of 220, 217, 216, 214 and 213.
In 2002 and 2004 she placed first in the MI State Senior Queens Tournament. She also participated in the MI Women’s Senior Tournament placing first in Division 5 All Events and second in Doubles.
On the National level she has participated in three US Open Tournaments and six US/WIBC Senior Queens Tournaments.
Bowling in local tournaments (Lansing and Battle Creek) her team placed first in 1998, 2002, 2004, and 2007. In 1998 she was first in Doubles and won All Events In 2007. She also won Singles and All Events in the Lansing 600 Club Tournament in 1987, 1993 and 1999 and was Lansing Women’s Match Game Champion in 1984, 1988 and 1992. She has been a member of Lansing All City Team for 18 years and Baffle Creek All Star Team for 3 years.
In 1998 the Lansing State Journal listed her as “One of the State Journal Top 10 Bowlers of the Century.” Dora was inducted into the Lansing Hall of Fame in 1999.
Dora currently bowls in Lansing, Charlotte and Jackson and works at Royal Scott Lanes after bowling on Wednesday.