2004 - Betty Sue McCormick

The multi-talented Sue who has been a member of the Michigan Women’s Bowling Association Board for 24 years is currently serving as 1st Vice President, moving up along the years from Director #3 for 18 years and 2nd Vice President for only one year before moving up to 1st Vice President.
As everyone knows, Sue is the Editor of the MWBA Ten Pin Topics and Publicity Committee Chairman. Competing in the National Women Bowling Writers competition, she has been awarded ten 1st place, seven 2nd place and two 3rd place awards. She was also awarded the Journalist Award in the Non-Pro Class by the Michigan State Bowling Council. Along with all those awards, she also received the Alberta E. Crowe Award for Distinguished Service in the Field of Communication by the NWBW.
Sue is one busy lady serving on many Michigan WBA committees – Workshops, Queen’s, Hall of Fame, Awards & Services, Scholarship, WIBC Delegates Luncheon, Finance and MWBA representative to the Michigan State YABA Board.
Nationally, she has served on the WIBC Tellers and Nominating Committees.
Sue is a member of the Oscoda Women’s Bowling Association, having served as Secretary/Treasurer for 16 years, a Director 5 years and Vice-President 6 years. She is now a Life Member of the Oscoda Association.
She is also active in the Oscoda Jr. Bowling Association, serving as a Board Member, Coach Instructor, Secretary/Treasurer and President.
Any wonder Sue is being honored for Meritorious Service and being inducted into the Michigan Women’s Bowling Association Hall of Fame.