2002 - Frank Peters

Frank Peters has a great smile along with a friendly greeting, always time to chat for a minute or offer his assistance. With these qualifications, Frank had little trouble joining the Bowling community.
Frank started bowling in the early sixties and it wasn ‘t long before he was elected secretary of the Thursday Night Mens league, a title he held for 21 years. In 1965, Frank was elected Association president for the Gladwin-Beaverton area. Frank held this title until being elected Association Secretary in 1971 . He was secretary for 19 years.
In 1976 , Frank was instrumental in starting the Gladwin-Beaverton Bowling Hall of Fame. He is still on it’s Board of Directors. In 1979, Frank was inducted into the Gladwin-Beaverton Hall of Fame
Frank was elected Zone 9 Director for the Michigan State B. A. in 1981. He became President of the Michigan State Bowling Association in 1991-1992 and Life Member in 1992.
Frank didn’t spend all his time with his administrative duties, he is retired from the Gladwin Harrison School District as it’s Transportation Supervisor. He also found time to enjoy the game as well. He posted a high game of 288 and high series of 700. Frank bowled in 20 ABC National Tournaments. He was City Tournament Team Champion in 1972-1979 and “700” Club tournament winner in 1989 with a score of 1349.
Frank has served on the State YABA Board as the Michigan State B. A. representative for a number of years. He has been a member of the Michigan State Bowling Council for a number of years and was the first secretary of the Michigan State Bowling Council Mixed Doubles Tournament.
Frank worked the Doubles & Singles portion of the Michigan State Bowling Association Tournament for four years prior to his being elected in 1995 as State Association Secretary/ Treasurer and Tournament Director of the MSBA.
For his dedication to serving the Local, State, National and the game of bowling in every aspect, the 2002 Michigan State Men’s Bowling Tournament was dedicated to Frank C. Peters.