2000 - Bob Hart

Bob had his best year in 1974 when he won the ABC all events with 2087 and also the doubles and team all events that same year. That summer, he won championships in four of five events at the Tournament of Americas in Miami, Florida. He was the first American to win the friendship award. In 1974, he was named to the Bowling All American second te am, only the second non-pro to achieve that honor.
Bob was second in the ABC Classic team event in 1975, 5th in the 1971 ABC Masters, 7th in the doubles in 1969 and 9th in the singles in 1971. His 37 year ABC average is 194 and for 40 games in the Masters he averaged 209. He started his rise in tenpin circles by winning the 1954 National Junior Singles Championship. He bowled a 300 game in the 1967 ABC Masters and has sixteen 300 games to his credit as well as six 299 games and one 298.
His high series is 836 and in 1979 he tied the high six game record of 1616 in a doubles league (a 269 average).
He has a number of titles to his credit, a few of which are the Hoinke Singles, Bowlers Journal Classic Doubles, Fairborn Classic Singles and Doubles, Michigan State Team event and five Michigan Majors titles . His high average was 227 during the 1981-82 season.
He is a member of the Columbus Hall of Fame, Michigan Majors Hall of Fame, Ohio State Hall of Fame, Detroit Hall of Fame and in 1994 was elected to the ABC Hall of Fame