1998 - Mike Totsky

Mike was the ultimate team bowler. He bowled anchor for the Stroh’s Beer Team for fifteen years. He was a very steady bowler and dependable in the clutch. Mike was king of Detroit Bowlers in 1966, 1967, 1969, 1970 and 1971. He led the All-Star Classic league averages in 1965-66 with a 215, 1966-67 with 213, 1968-69 with 212 and 1970-71 with 213.
He had four sanctioned 300 games and one sanctioned 800 series (801)
He had an 837 series in an exhibition with a 279 triplicate. His high league average was 224.
His Stroh’s team won the ABC Classic Team Title in 1973 and was runner-up in 1975. He also placed 2nd in the ABC Classic Doubles in 1965 and 1973. In 1967 he was fourth in the ABC Masters and his team was fourth in the Classic Team Event. In 1964 his team was fifth in the Classic team event and he was fifth in the Classic singles in 1975. He also had five other top ten finishes.
His average for 26 years was 197 at ABC tournaments and for one ten-year period it was 204. His 76 game ABC Masters average was 210.
Mike’s value as a team bowler showed in his four team titles in the Detroit association tournament and six team titles in the Michigan State Tournament (1964,1970,1973,1975, and 1978) He also won the state doubles in 1965 and the All events in 1965 and 1972.
Mike was elected to the Detroit Bowling Hall of Fame in 1977 and the ABC Hall of Fame in 1996, and now joins the Michigan State BA Hall of Fame