1986 - Cora Fiebig

Cora has achieved many titles in her years of bowling and has, now, deservedly won a place in the Michigan Women’s Bowling Association Hall of Fame for Superior Performance.
Cora has been a consistently high average bowler, holding close to the 190’s and going as high as 204 for the 1980/81 season. Up to this season, she has over fifteen 700 series, her highest being 758. In this current season, 1985/86, she has three 700 series to her credit – 719 – 716 and 707. Her highest game is a 290, but 278 and 279 seem to be her favorite scores, having achieved this nine times.
In the State, she was a member of the Bonanza Restaurant Team in 1983 when they won the MWBA title with 2801. That same year, she was Doubles Champion with Leona Obuchowski, her teammate. She won the Singles Event in 1976 with a score of 683 and was All Events Champion with 1867.
Locally, Cora has been on a Champion Team, has won Doubles, Singles and All Events titles. Was named to the Detroit Hall of Fame in 1982. She earned the title of Queen in Detroit three times and has been a member of the Queen’s Court, also a Captain or member of the All City Teams.
She qualified for the FIQ Tournament in Winnipeg, Canada in 1981 and was a member of the 1st place five-woman team, 3rd place three-woman team and finished third in singles with 1143.
She has participated in the Michigan Queens Tournament, qualifying in the finals in 1984 and, in 1985 almost made it to the top. She was beat out in the final match by a mere 25 pins – 228 to 203. Up to that point, Cora averaged 241, beating her opponents.
Cora is one of Detroit’s finest bowlers and has earned her place in the Hall of Fame for Superior Performance. We wish her continued success.