1981 - Agnes Ekstrom

Agnes M. Ekstrom of Detroit, referred to as the “Best spare bowler of all times during her reign as an all star bowler,” by Eddie Edgar, Detroit’s well known bowling writer.
She was a member of the Gears by Enterprise team as they captured the WIBC team titles in 1949 and 1953 and the Michigan WBA State team titles in 1945, 1947, 1948, 1950 and 1955.
In individual honors, Agnes won the City Doubles titles in 1941, 1948, 1962 and 1964, Singles title in 1946 and All Events in 1943. Her high game was 278 and high series 710. Highest average attained was 191.
Agnes has not limited herself to just bowling, but has been active in all phases of the Michigan State Junior BA program. She conducted the First Learn to Bowl School in the Detroit area, visiting schools teaching students how to keep score and showing films on Junior Bowling. She was a bowling instructor for 20 years, working with both youngsters and adults. She is known as “Bowling’s Non-Stop Dynamo” and one of the all time greatest ambassadors of good-will for the game of bowling.