1980 - Lilas Fingland

Lilas Fingland, past member of the Flint WBA, started her bowling career in 1937. While Lilas was an active bowler on the Local and State level and having bowled in at least 25-30 WIBC tournaments, her claim to fame came through her promotional efforts in all areas of the bowling game.
While employed full time, she helped organize women’s leagues. Lilas was also instrumental in the first AJBC program in Flint, going to the Jr. and Sr. High Schools and speaking to the Physical Education classes about bowling. She also promoted the first Captain-Sponsor tournament in Flint. In 1974 Mrs. Fingland was the first woman to be inducted into the Flint MEN’S Bowling Hall of Fame.
Lilas was elected Director of the Michigan WBA Board in 1947 and was appointed 2nd Vice President in 1968. During this time she served on several committees, spent many hours studying the history and background of the Michigan WBA and helped conduct workshops throughout the State of Michigan.
After serving 1 year as President of the Michigan WBA during 1976-1977, Lilas retired and moved to Florida with her husband Jack.