1978 - Helen Shablis

Our inductee for Star of Yesteryear has already been honored for her Bowling accomplishments by being inducted into the Detroit Hall of Fame in 1966 and into the WIBC Hall of Fame in 1977 as Star of Yesteryear.
On the local level she claimed 10 titles in team, doubles and all events. In the 1955 Michigan WBA Championship Tournament, Helen and her partner Dorothy Aldred captured the doubles title and in 1964, bowling with the Schaefer Bakeries, won the team title.
Having bowled in 22 WIBC National Events, it was in 1963 that she won the WIBC all events title. She earned a spot on the first U.S. Women’s team to compete officially in the international F. I. Q. event with participants from 19 other nations. Honored by being chosen captain of the U.S. Women’s Team, Helen led them to the European style team title and won doubles and all events medals.
Her all time high single game was 285 and high 3-Game series was 703. At the peak of her career in 1963 she carried a 191-plus average which she had accumulated in the 10 previous WIBC Championship Tournaments and ranked third among all women entered that year.
Our inductee was further honored for her many Bowling accomplishments when she was signed by the Brunswick Corporation to its advisory staff, one of the few non-professionals to achieve that status.